martedì 22 marzo 2011

L'intevista alla Npr

Il 18 marzo nel corso del programma On the media, Bob Garfield ha intervistato James O'Keefe proprio sulla Npr.

Qui si trova l'audio

E anche il testo:

BOB GARFIELD: One thing about O'Keefe’s sting videos, he gets the goods. In his notorious ACORN series, local employees are seen offering suggestions about how to hide prostitution income from the government. In his NPR sting, ex-fundraiser Ron Schiller does come off at times as a pandering bigot, but along the way, misleading editing, distorted quotes and a number of outright lies. If James O'Keefe is staging guerrilla theater to expose hypocrisy and hate, a la Sasha Baron Cohen of Borat fame, maybe that’s no big deal. But Cohen is a comedian. O'Keefe claims to be practicing undercover journalism in the tradition of Mike Wallace and other venerable muckrakers. In his quest for truth, to how much untruth is he then entitled? For example, this: